  by Sushilkumar A. Shinde and Nilesh M. Bhopale
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-30-6; 2nd Ed. 2021; pp.viii+448

   Delhi price: 380      Outside Delhi price: 400      Overseas price : 1140

 About The Book  

   Valuable additions such as Morphological diagrams and Umbelliferous characteristics in Microscopical Study of the alphabetically arranged Crude Drugs have been made. Chemical Tests and Differentiating Study of Crude drugs have been presented in comparative form using easy language for better understanding.
   The chapter on crude drugs has been classified according to the family, parts of the plants used, chemical nature, synonyms and their uses separately. The drugs have been alphabetically for easy comprehension. The appendices include plant profile, chemical tests, pharmacological and pharmaceutical terms.
   The book is useful for both the diploma and degree students in pharmacy.


1. Introduction to Pharmacognosy

2. The Cell and Tissue System

3. Parts of a Plant

4. Classification of Crude Drugs (PC)

5. Quality Control of Crude Drugs

6. Chemical Nature of Crude Drugs

7. Scheme of Pharmacognostic Study

8. Plant Profile of Natural Drugs
A. Laxatives: Aloe, Castor oil, Ispaghula, Rhubarb, Senna.
B. Cardio-tonics: Arjuna, Digitalis.
C. Carminatives and G.I. regulators: Umbelliferous Fruits, Ajowan, Asafoetida, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Clove, Coriander, Cinnamon, Fennel, Ginger, Nutmeg.
D. Astringent: Black Catechu, Myrobalan.
E. Drug acting on Nervous systems: Aconite, Ashwagandha, Belladonna, Canabis, Coca, Coffee seed, Datura, Ephedra, Hyoscymus, Nux-vomica, Opium, Tea leaves.
F. Antihypertensive: Rauwolfia.
G. Antitussive: Tolu Balsam, Tulsi, Vasaka.
H. Antirheumatics: Colchicum, Guggul.
I. Antitumor: Podophyllum, Vinca.
J. Antileprotic: Chaulmoogra oil.
K. Antidiabetic: Gymnema, Pterocarpus.
L. Diuretics: Gokhru, Punarnava.
M. Antidysentric: Ipecacuanna.
N. Antiseptic and Disinfectant: Benzoin, Curcuma, Neem, Myrrh.
O. Antimalerial: Artemisia, Cinchona.
P. Oxytosic: Ergot.
Q. Vitamins: Amla, Cod Liver Oil, Shark Liver Oil.
R. Enzymes: Diastase, Pancreatin, Papaya, Yeast.
S. Perfumes and Flavoring Agent: Lemon Oil, Lemon Grass Oil, Orange Oil, Peppermint Oil, Sandalwood Oil.
T. Pharmaceutical Aids: Acacia, , Agar, Arachis Oil, Bees Wax, Gelatin, Guar Gum, Honey, Kaolin, Lanolin (Wool Fat), Olive Oil, Pectin, Sodium Alginate, Starch, Tragacanth.
U. Miscellaneous: Ashwagandha, Dioscorea, Garlic, Guggul, Linseed, Liquorice, Pale catechu, Picrorrhiza, Pyrethrum, Shankhapushpi, Shatavari, Squill, Tobacco, Tulsi, Vasaka.
9. Surgical Fibers, Sutures & Dressings

10. Systems of Medicine and Ayurvedic Formulations

11. Potentials of Aromatic Plants

12. Herbs as a Health Food

13. Herbal Cosmetics

14. Cultivation of Crude Drugs

15. Microscopical Studies of Crude Drugs

I. Plant Profile
II. Chemical Tests of Organized and Unorganized Crude Drugs
III. Pharmacological Terms
IV. Pharmaceutical Terms
V. References