Laboratory Manual of Physical Pharmaceutics-I
  by C.V.S. Subrahmanyam / S.G. Vasantharaju / J. Thimmasetty
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-68-9; 1st Ed. 2024; pp.viii+160

   Delhi price: 150      Outside Delhi price: 158      Overseas price : 450

 About The Book  

   This book is supplemented with the laboratory manuals to develop the skills and also to focus on the essential aspects. The current edition is the first edition of the laboratory manual of Physical Pharmaceutics–I.
   The physical and chemical principles and their impact on biological activity are important. This book attempts to bring all the relevant experiments at one place. This book is complementary to the textbooks (of the same title) followed by the students. The structure of the book was retained for maintaining familiarity and readability.
         1. Concepts and principles are Pharmacy oriented.
         2. Model calculations help in processing the raw data independently.
         3. Illustrations facilitate the students in organizing one’s laboratory work in a cohesive manner.
         4. Question bank is included for guiding the student to perform viva voce well.


  1. Physical Properties of Liquids
  2. Determination of Solubility– Heat of Solution
  3. Partition Coefficient – Iodine
  4. Partition Coefficient – Benzoic Acid
  5. Phenol-water System- Critical Solution Temperature
  6. Sodium Chloride – CST
  7. Surface Tension – Drop Count Method
  8. Cmc of a Surfactant – Drop Count Method
  9. Cmc of a Surfactant – Capillary Rise Method
10. HLB Determination of a Surfactant – Saponification Method
11. Adsorption Studies – Acetic Acid on Charcoal
12. Dissociation Constant – Distribution Method
13. Dissociation Constant – Conductivity Method
14. Analysis of Complexation – Solubility Method
15. Analysis of Complexation – pH Titration Method
16. Cmc of a Surfactant – Conductivity Method
17. Interfacial Tension – DuNouy Tensiometer
18. pH Determination – Colourimetric Method
19. pH Estimation – Electrometric Method
20. pKa determination – Half Neutralization Method
21. Refractive Index – Liquids
22. Percent Composition of Sugar in a Solution – Polarimeter
23. Solubility – Co-solvency
24. Dissolution Studies – Oxytetracycline Hard Gelatin Capsules

    I Units and constants
   II Notations/Abbreviations and Interconversion of units
  III Definitions and Meanings
  IV All in Twos—Know Them Well
   V Bibliography